100% Dedicated
What we do:
We facilitate career development for independent artists, athletes, and entertainers; through a dynamic brokering process.
We provide:
- Management Services
- A&R Services
- Publishing
- Website Design
- Event Production
- Project Management
- Song Recording and Production
- And more…
As brokers, we also help find the services you need that we do not directly offer.
Brokering is at the heart of what we do. Need help selling your fine art and other artistic creations? We solve problems. Let us find the right solutions for you. It is what we do best.
The movement is expanding and offering pay for volunteer services in charitable campaigns. In addition, we invite many artists within the GXR brokering network, from martial artists to performing artists, to perform in large scale events.
We are always looking to produce music for refreshingly authentic artists.
Do you have a groundbreaking song you want us to produce or publish? We accept solicitations.
Say goodbye to bad contracts. We are an excellent alternative to record labels. We give artists fair rights and royalties per project; without question.
Artist management is offered for [Free] for those within the Indie Revolution. Stay empowered; no Fees. Receive guidance, education, and support from licenced professionals. We’ll create a professional email and review contracts on an as needed basis for your deals.
Similar to management services, booking services are [Free] to artists in the movement.
Website Building
Website Hosting
ISRC Management
Box Office Services
Brand Development
Logo Design
Declaration- This Single is helping to raise funds to build a new online platform for indie artists. Streaming does not pay. The platform will allow artists to sell their work for real cash; not fractions of a penny. Click our Bandcamp link below.
#GladiatorChallenge- Click our Patreon link below.